Channel: Ed Tech – Dianne's Digital Discoveries
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Daily Digital Discoveries 10/30/2013

  • Regardless of the subject area, most next generation assessments require students to type many of their responses. Students need to be proficient with keyboarding skills so they will not be slowed down considerably by their own typing speed. Otherwise the assessment may not be a true measure of their content knowledge, but instead be negatively impacted by their typing proficiency.

    tags: keyboarding assessments onlineassessment typing

  • “The purpose of this website is to collect and share free online resources that can be used to help students develop familiarity and proficiency with the technology skills they will need for next generation assessments. These resources include sample assessment items and interactive online activities that simulate the types of technology tasks students will need to complete.”

    tags: assessments onlineassessment

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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